Your monthly curation of learner-centered insights, tools, & resources.
Dear Educator,
🎃 Happy Halloween! Before you party with (or hide from) the ghosts and ghouls today, check out our latest curation of learner-centered resources from October.
Scan quickly, save what's most intriguing to you, and focus the rest of your time on scoring your favorite candy 🍬.
"Before you assign or encourage students to use AI, it’s important to first establish some guidelines around properly using these tools."
🎙️ Empowering Young People to Thrive in All Areas of Life (61-minute listen)
"Kirsten Jones, author of Raising Empowered Athletes, shares her perspective on what we can do to ensure young athletes develop lifelong knowledge and skills on the field, while avoiding burnout and remembering we play sports because it's fun."
"Student Voices was created for the Assessment for Learning Project, and students’ inspiring and insightful words about their learning experiences has helped shape the broader dialogue."
"Reclaim the power of feedback with a flip in practice and timing that makes feedback an actionable part of the learning process, aligned to learning goals, and driven by the learner."
"Five districts in the Innovation Pilot — Anaheim UHSD, Cajon Valley USD, Davis JUSD, Lindsay USD, and Vista USD — have opened their doors to share their learnings on their path to moving their Graduate Profiles from “poster to practice.”"
✍️ Unit Planning Template for Culturally-Responsive Sustaining Mastery-Based Learning (access here)
"This template is designed to help you craft a unit that is grounded in clear learning outcomes, is connected with student’s lives, and affirms students’ racial, linguistic and cultural identities."
💻 Unlocking the Learner-Centered Power of AI (register here)