🤔 Protocols for Reflection on Learning (access here)
"Reflection is a key practice for deeper learning and should happen throughout the learning experience to shift the focus from the product of learning to the process. Reflection protocols, which are sentence starters/stems or specific reflection questions, support learners in learning how to reflect."
🎨 Use Art to Get to Know Learners (access here)
"Five districts in the Innovation Pilot — Anaheim UHSD, Cajon Valley USD, Davis JUSD, Lindsay USD, and Vista USD — have opened their doors to share their learnings on their path to moving their Graduate Profiles from “poster to practice.”"
💼 LAUSD's Portfolio and Defense Handbook (access here)
"The graduation portfolio and defense serve as capstones to measure a student’s readiness to graduate high school and be prepared for college, career, and life."