π Understanding and Influencing Collective Efficacy: The Key to Driving Transformative Change in Education (3-minute read)
"Remarkably, research indicates that teacher collective efficacy has the greatest impact on student achievement compared to other factors like direct instruction, feedback, response to intervention, formative teacher evaluation, and teacher credibility."
π Can Design Thinking Make a Large School District More Agile? We Think So! (5-minute read)
"...big systems are filled with people who have huge dreams for their students and hold brilliant ideas and creative solutions to pressing problems. The question is: how can a large system amplify the imaginations of its people?"
π Reflect, Rest, and Rejuvenate This Summer (2-minute read)
"Research has shown that reflection leads to increased productivity. What if reflection was exactly what we needed in our moments of rest, not to lead to more productivity (everyone knows as educators we are already productive enough) but to lead to rejuvenation?"
π Discovering AI Together: Lessons from a Learner-Centered Classroom (5-minute read)
"As I started to think about AI more deeply this year, I engaged in a tried-and-true learner-centered move. I designed a learning experience where learners and I could investigate AI and build new knowledge together."
π Education Change Management: The Power of a Guiding Coalition (2-minute read)
"The implementation of the guiding coalition transformed our approach to change management. It accelerated our progress dramatically, moving from incremental steps to significant leaps forward."