Establishing a shared vision amongst diverse stakeholders is critical to achieving something new and different for our education system. Administrators, teachers, families, and the greater community must work together to:
Address tough questions that better align our schools with the world we live in;
Develop a shared understanding of the desired outcomes we want for students; and
Establish the vision, policies, and practices that will get us there.
It is my hope that we engage in more conversations in our communities and seek to gain greater clarity around the following questions:
What type of learners do we want to develop?
How might we develop the desired knowledge, skills, and mindsets?
How can we all work together to achieve our desired outcomes?
I don’t believe there is one “right” answer for any of these questions. They will differ based on your local context. But we can’t assume the answers are the same as they have always been.
To ensure schools evolve to meet the needs of our learners today, it is incumbent on leaders to convene their greater community to examine beliefs about learning and teaching and consider how schools can best serve the learners in their community. This week’s Bright Spot highlights a district diving deeply into these conversations.
With Gratitude,
P.S. Learner-Centered Collaborative is hiring! We are seeking a Director of Strategic Partnerships to join our team. If you or a colleague you know might be interested in this opportunity, view the job posting here.
The Power of Community Forums
This week, I had the privilege facilitating a community forum for Del Mar Union School District alongside my colleagues Devin Vodicka and Zoe Randall. Over 70 people gathered to review the district’s 5-year plan, "Destination 2028."
Parents, educators, and school and district leaders shared their hopes and dreams as they collaboratively reviewed the plans. They spent time reviewing the 5-year objectives and priority actions sharing different perspectives and feedback to refine them.
The community forum not only informed the next steps for the district's leadership team but also deepened the community's understanding of what is currently happening in the district. The community shared gratitude for the opportunity to provide feedback on what priorities are most important and for being forward-thinking enough to create opportunities that develop the whole child.
As Superintendent Dr. Holly McClurg shared, “Destination 2028 is a living document that guides the work day in and day out and holds us accountable to best meet the needs of the children in our district.”
The work of evolving school systems can’t be done alone. We must work together to understand diverse perspectives and explore how we can unite to achieve our collective goals for the future.
Is your district bringing all stakeholders together to establish your learner-centered vision, mission, and values? Share your story here.
Resources to advance your learner-centered practice
📖 Report Card Redesign in Encinitas Union School District. "Is redesigning a report card a technical or adaptive change? Understanding whether a challenge is technical or adaptive can profoundly influence how educators and administrators approach the task at hand." Learn more from our experience with Encinitas USD.
📖 Unraveling Mixed Messages: The Impact of Misaligned Systems in Education. "Achieving systemic coherence requires awareness of systems that are misaligned, acknowledging what ways we play an active role in creating this misalignment, and taking action to re-align our policies, messaging, and practices to our vision, mission, and values." Discover three examples where mixed messages might be showing up in your school or district.
🖥️ WEBINAR: Competency-Based Assessment: From Measuring Seat Time to Demonstrating Learning. "In this session, educators will explore innovative ways to assess student learning through real-world demonstrations and exhibitions. Discover best practices, tools, and strategies to implement these assessments in your classroom, ensuring students not only learn but thrive." Register here.
Learner-Centered Collaborative, 1611 S Melrose Dr., STE A #334, Vista, CA 92081