A few months ago we spent a few days with the leadership team in Hampton Township (PA) visiting each school in the district looking for Bright Spots (they weren’t hard to find!) and talking to learners to get their perspectives. At the end of the day, the team highlighted how powerful the day was and how energized they were as a result.
Today, I am getting ready to embark on Learning Walks with the Encinitas Union School District (home of the Farm Lab!) and we are using one of my favorite protocols, yup, you guessed it “Bright Spots.” As we walk through classrooms, we are highlighting what is working and dropping off notes to celebrate teachers and the great practices that we observe. That’s it.
Now it’s your turn! In honor of the 100th edition of this newsletter and the fabulous teachers around the world, let’s celebrate the Bright Spots in your community! Maybe it’s a project a student has done, a teacher who went out of their way to connect with a student, someone who tried something new, or anything else that you want to highlight.