Your weekly source of learner-centered inspiration
Dear Educator,
As the year winds down (days for some and weeks for others), before we know it the 2021-22 school year will come to a close. The end of the year is a perfect time to pause and reflect on what has been learned, what impact you've had, and what’s possible moving forward.
My bright spot this week highlights the amazing impact teachers are having on learners and the importance for all of us to pause and reflect.
With Gratitude, Katie
I'd love to hear from you! Reply to this email to share your Bright Spot this week!
Inquiry projects are not just for students!
Mineola Public Schools, in Long Island, New York, is on a mission to inspire each student to be a lifelong learner, pursue excellence, exhibit strength of character, and contribute positively to a global society. In service of this mission, they support new educators over 4 years (which is a bright spot all on its own!) through a community of practice, a course to learn and grow, and the opportunity to participate in an inquiry project.
I was fortunate enough to be part of their reflection process as they shared their questions, goals, and what they learned. The presentations were about 5 minutes each and they varied based on the context, role, and goals of each teacher, but the impact on their learning and agency as educators was evident in each presentation.
One teacher explored common language and strategies to develop student’s metacognitive thinking and growth mindset.
Another teacher examined how to create a classroom environment that promotes student independence and engagement.
I was so inspired by the level of inquiry and how empowered the educators felt to take on challenges that have existed in many classrooms for years. I witnessed teachers stepping out of their comfort zones and taking the initiative to evolve in their practices and beliefs.
Even if you may not have engaged in a formal inquiry project…yet, you can certainly make time to reflect and think about your goals this year, highlight what you learned and, recognize the impact you’ve had on your students. There’s bright spots everywhere, and taking time to spot them matters now more than ever.
Interested in brainstorming actionable ways to support teachers' learning in your school or district? Let's connect!
Below are some resources to support all learners in establishing a sense of agency over their learning process.
1. The power of teacher agency.Learning Forwardshares seven important actions that district and school leaders can take to increase educator agency in their professional learning.
2. Learning is a process, not an event. Deep, meaningful learning for all learners takes time, ownership, and an investment. Read more on why I believe transformational professional learning is a process, not a singular event.
3. Teachers create what they experience. I discuss the power of a clear vision, learning cycles, and sharing the learning in my 2017 Tedx talk. Access a video of the event here.
How do you take agency over your learning?
Use #LCBrightSpots to share your experiences on social media!
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Learner-Centered Collaborative, 49 Stevenson Street, San Francisco, CA 94105