Your weekly source of learner-centered inspiration
Dear Educator,
I often hear from educators about their desire to collaborate and learn from one another. I also know that time and proximity limit impactful collaboration. At the Learner-Centered Collaborative, we have been working to create more opportunities for connection and collaboration within the ecosystem of learner-centered educators—whether you are simply intrigued and interested in learning more or if you are currently leading the way in your classroom, school, or district. I deeply believe that we are better together.
For this week’s Bright Spot, I’m highlighting a special way we at Learner-Centered Collaborative have sparked collaboration with educators all across the world.
With Gratitude, Katie
I'd love to hear from you! Reply to this email to share your Bright Spot this week!
The Learner-Centered Collaborative Book Club
I am beyond excited to share that we officially kicked off our Learner-Centered Collaborative Book Club this week with over 400 educators as we read and discuss our first book, Evolving Education. On Monday evening, we held our first live session where we had the chance to chat with Emily Liebtag from Education Reimagined. The book club was a great space to hear her unique perspective on learning and to discuss our aspirations for learners, specifically how we can redefine success in schools. We highlighted examples from Iowa Big, Odyssey Stem Academy, and Cajon Valley Union School District to name a few. As I popped into breakout rooms, I was so excited to see educators from across the world connecting, sharing ideas, and inspiring each other.
As we continue to learn and experiment different ways to collaborate, I am already inspired by the conversations occurring in our slack community, and I look forward to seeing how we can forge connections, share resources and learn from one another in community.
Interested in exploring ways to spark collaboration in your community? Let's connect!
Below are some resources to support you in implementing new strategies to foster collaboration in your learning community.
1. Merging classroom with community. Discover how the Iowa BIG public school program is making a real impact by fostering collaboration between students and community.
2. A framework for personalized learning. Learn more about how two co-teachers collaborated together and came up with a way to meet their students where they are through personalized learning in this Edutopia article.
3. Learner-Centered Collaborative book club. Missed the first live session of the Learner-Centered Collaborative book club? Catch up on the discussion and watch the full live recording here. It's not too late to join our book club! Register here and join us for the next session on Monday, March 7.
How are you sparking collaboration in your context? Use #LCBrightSpots to share your experiences on social media!
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Learner-Centered Collaborative, 49 Stevenson Street, San Francisco, CA 94105